Friday, October 18, 2019

What is the Purpose of Google Bot? Posted by Digital Marketing Agency in Lahore


Googlebot searches for new, updated web pages and content that it collects for the Google Index and later processes for Google Search. However, certain parameters must be accessible to Googlebot. Digital Marketing Agency in Lahore explain that if a user enters a search term on Google, they will not search the internet, but the Google index. The pages crawled by Googlebot are counted by the ranking algorithm, which then have an effect on the placement in the SERPs, Google's results pages. Depending on the task, there are bots for text search, image search, advertising and much more.

Googlebot, Google's web crawler, searches site by site at a regular interval. The number of external links and the height of the PageRank determine how often the bot visits a page, this is also called Crawl Budget. This means that if a page is not linked, the bot cannot be found. As a rule, Googlebot only visits a website once every few seconds and identifies itself by name (initially visible as a normal user agent) and the respective function. The frequency of the visit, however, can vary greatly depending on the website. At each visit, the crawler detects hyperlinks (SRC and HREF) and new or changed content, and adds them to the cache (a list of pages to crawl) that is accessible to each bot. Changes to existing pages, new websites or outdated links can thus be identified and are therefore used to update the Google index and the resulting ranking. Dynamic web pages are difficult or impossible to judge by Googlebot, as necessary variables and parameters are unknown. This is because the page contents are behind variables or the so-called PHP sessions. Google works, however, that these pages can also be captured.


Webmasters can determine what content will be shared with Googlebot. This is u.A. with the robots.txt file, using the attribute "Disallow: /". If the webmaster uses the meta tag "Robots" with the value "No-index" or "No-follow" in an HTML document, he can avoid the indexing of certain pages. For example, such a meta tag would look like this:

  •  IP address
  • Username unless password protected
  • access time
  • Command that was requested
  • Type of transmission protocol
  • server response
  • transmitted bytes
  • used operating system

The webmaster tool can also be used to determine the frequency with which the bot can visit the site on the web. Digital Marketing Agency in Lahore referred this tool to use it.This is especially important as the server performance can be adversely affected by the scrawled, depending on the frequency. Likewise, pages that are updated frequently are also crawled more frequently by Googlebot. In addition to the mentioned tool, the frequency can also be limited by the crawl budget.

Log files, also called log files, are files in which processes of network and computer systems are stored and logged. They provide important files for analyzing access to websites or even networks. Therefore, log file analysis was one of the most popular ways to get data from users of a page on the web. The individual information is transmitted via the so-called hits and are usually always the same. The most common formats of the log files are NCSA, W3SVC, Microsoft IIS3.0. The information that a log file receives are, among others, the following:

The sample information listed shows that significant aspects about the visitor, his behavior, and his or her origin are transmitted to the webmaster. The positive thing about it is that the behavior of the bot, which results from the log file analysis, can be used to interpret optimization possibilities of the website. Log files can also be used as control files to find server errors.


For Search Engine Optimization (SEO) it is very important to know the way Googlebot works. It is important that the bot is provided with a start URL. By allowing the crawler to find new content based on references to other sites, an HREF link also causes the bot to receive a new URL.

If you send a pingback to the World Wide Web, Googlebot finds this notification and looks at the sent address. If you provide the bot with a so-called sitemap, it gets insights into the structure and knows which URLs to look at next. This is especially recommended, with extensive pages.

Basically, Digital Marketing Agency in Lahore described that the development of Googlebots must be under constant observation, as Google is constantly working to make content, such as dynamic pages, images, videos and audio files for the bot to recognize so that this content can be analyzed and added to the Google index.

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