Friday, November 1, 2019

How to Build a Massive, Engaged Twitter Following with the help of Social Media Marketing Agency?

Unfortunately, the reach and the level of interaction with the followers on Twitter cannot be measured automatically on Twitter. Unlike Facebook, where the insights allow each site operator a wide range of analytics at the push of a button, the analysis of Twitter is still associated with manual labor. However, Social Media Marketing Agency provide services to the companies that want to measure their success on Twitter can do so with the help of a few key figures and a simple formula.
The Twitter Analytics Dashboard is not yet unfortunately reserved for advertisers and verified Twitter accounts. The statistics available there, however, offer little more than free tools such. Example twitter counter, tweet-level. The range of their own channel is of high interest to many companies as a key figure, but cannot be read anywhere. The free service tweet reach pursues the approach of a range measurement, but with unrealistic values: For each tweet of an account, the tool as a range is simply the sum of all followers. As if every single follower had actually seen every tweet.

Factors for reach on Twitter:

Basically, the range can be determined by multiplying the number of own tweets by the number of followers of the channel. Realistically, you should consider two things. First, the followers are usually not 100% real users but part fake or advertising accounts. Second, it can be assumed that only a small percentage of all followers are logged in to Twitter at the time of a tweet, or see the tweet at a later point in the timeline. Both reduce the range naturally, but bring the measurement closer to reality.
Determining the number of "real" followers allows for tools provided by Social Media Marketing Agency, like fake follower check or status people, both of which provide relatively similar results. Inactive followers are not to be deducted from the "real" followers. Especially in Pakistan, there are many passive users who do not tweet but read and thus contribute to reach.

When considering how many followers are likely to be online and follow Twitter at the time of a tweet, each company has to make an assumption based on experience from its followers. (I think it's realistic that, depending on the size of the account, on average about every 30th to 50th follower is actually reached by a tweet.)

Factors for interaction on Twitter:

There are three simple measures that measure how much users interact with a Twitter account: number of favorites, number of retweets. To determine an absolute level of interaction, it would be sufficient to add these measurable user responses.

However, such a simple calculation would make it impossible to make a relative comparison with other accounts of different sizes and on the other hand hide how big the stimulus was their own involvement on the channel. After all, it makes a difference if 10 retweets were created from a single or 20 of your own tweets. The measured user reactions should therefore be compared to the number of followers and to the number of own tweets. Result of the formula is an abstract index, which wins similar to a stock market index only by historical values ​​meaningfulness.
According to Social Media Marketing Agency the more complex the measurement, the more accurate the results.

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